The Z Transform Calculator is one of the few online tools that allows you to calculate the z-transform of a function. To calculate z-transforms with this calculator you only have to perform three simple steps:
Valid functions and symbols | Description |
sqrt() | Square root |
ln() | Natural logarithm |
log() | Logarithm base 10 |
^ | Exponents |
abs() | Absolute value |
sin(), cos(), tan(), csc(), sec(), cot() | Basic trigonometric functions |
asin(), acos(), atan(), acsc(), asec(), acot() | Inverse trigonometric functions |
sinh(), cosh(), tanh(), csch(), sech(), coth() | Hyperbolic functions |
asinh(), acosh(), atanh(), acsch(), asech(), acoth() | Inverse hyperbolic functions |
pi | PI number (π = 3.14159...) |
e | Neper number (e= 2.71828...) |
i | To indicate the imaginary component of a complex number. |
u() | Heaviside step function |
The Z-Transform is a tool that provides a method to characterize signals and discrete-time systems by means of poles and zeros in the Z domain.
The Z Transform, X(z), is the equivalent of the Laplace Transform for discrete time. Since z is a complex variable, the domain Z is a complex plane.
The Z-transform X(z) of a signal x[n] is defined as the power series:
where z is a complex variable and the sum is taken over all possible values of n.
The Z-transform is a mathematical tool used to analyze discrete-time signals and systems. It is a powerful tool for understanding the behavior of such systems, and it has numerous applications in engineering, including in the fields of electrical engineering, control engineering, and digital signal processing.
The Z-transform has a number of useful properties, including linearity, time shifting, and frequency shifting. It can also be used to find the transfer function of a discrete-time system, which describes how the system responds to different input signals.
One of the key benefits of the Z-transform is that it allows us to analyze the behavior of discrete-time systems in the frequency domain, using techniques that are similar to those used to analyze continuous-time systems in the frequency domain using the Laplace transform. This makes it possible to understand the frequency response of discrete-time systems and to design filters and other types of signal processing systems.
Overall, the Z-transform is a powerful and versatile tool for understanding and analyzing discrete-time systems, and it has numerous applications in engineering and other fields.