To use the calculator follow these steps:
- Choose the calculation mode you want to use: to calculate definite integrals press the “Definite” button and to solve indefinite integrals press the “Indefinite” button.
- Choose the differential for the integral you want to calculate. You must do this taking into account the independent variable of the function that you will enter in the calculator. For example if you want to integrate f(x)=x2+1 you must choose the differential dx.
- Write the function in the main input, for this you must make use of the list of valid functions that are presented after step 4. If you have chosen the Definite Integral Calculator mode, you must also enter the limits of integration. If you want to compute the definite integral over an infinite interval, you would write inf for +∞ and -inf for –∞.
- Once you have completed the previous steps, you just have to press the “Calculate” button, by doing so a box with the solution will be displayed automatically.
Valid functions and symbols | Description |
sqrt() | Square root |
ln() | Natural logarithm |
log() | Logarithm base 10 |
^ | Exponents |
abs() | Absolute value |
sin(), cos(), tan(), csc(), sec(), cot() | Basic trigonometric functions |
asin(), acos(), atan(), acsc(), asec(), acot() | Inverse trigonometric functions |
sinh(), cosh(), tanh(), csch(), sech(), coth() | Hyperbolic functions |
asinh(), acosh(), atanh(), acsch(), asech(), acoth() | Inverse hyperbolic functions |
pi | PI number (π = 3.14159...) |
e | Neper number (e= 2.71828...) |
i | To indicate the imaginary component of a complex number. |
inf | ∞ |